
Friday, September 28, 2012

Stomach Hurts After Eating-Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis

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Gastroenteritis also known as stomach flu can cause your stomach hurts after eating, causing pain in the middle of your stomach. This disease affects the stomach, small intestine and large intestine
There are actually two types of gastroenteritis, bacterial and viral.
Viral Gastroenteritis or viral stomach flu are more common in the winter periods. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, and causes your stomach hurts after eating sometimes. It can also cause more symptoms such as chills, clammy skin, fever, excessive sweating, vomiting with blood (though rare), weight loss, general muscle pain.Viral gastroenteritis is caused by the following viruses: rotavirus, adenovirus, calicivirus and astrovirus.
Bacterial gastroenteritis can be caused the following bacteria: Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, or Escherichia Coli. Moreover, there are also cases caused by parasites such as giardia.

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Stomach Hurts After Working Out

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If your stomach hurts after exercise may be caused by several things:

A very common after exercise is the need for food, many people can burn 500 to 700 calories in a good workout, leaving the body hungry, so the stomach may start to hurt and have cramps, it is advisable to eat something fruit or a light meal after exercise.

Dehydration is very common among athletes especially runners, dehydration can cause multiple ailments, such as overall body pain, insomnia, headache, and irritation, fatigue but can also cause some stomach pains or cramps. It is recommended to hydrate constantly as you exercise taking small amounts of water regularly.

Heartburn. People who train hard in the gym frequently have some heartburn, this is because during weight lifting in the stomach pressure increases dramatically, this pressure can cause stomach juices into the esophagus rise causing heartburn. Also, runners and other athletes can suffer from heartburn. One way to prevent this acidity is eating an antacid before exercising, eating a diet more rich in alkaline foods, like vegetables, eat less sugar, fat and irritating if the problems persist, consult a gastroenterologist.

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Your Stomach Hurts After Eating?

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If your stomach hurts after eating can be serious, you should pay attention to symptoms to determine the cause.

Stomach pain is a symptom of a disease or illness, we can find much useful information in this site, however it is best to seek medical gastroenterologist who specializes in diseases of the stomach problems to determine the disease or condition.

If your stomach hurts only after eating there several diseases but especially three that affect a large number of people around the world are:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Both gastritis and ulcers are closely related and similar diseases, their symptoms are very similar and both diseases are very common, causing heartburn, stomach pain after eating, gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, constipation, and more symptoms.

A common cause of gastritis and ulcers is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium is one of the major reasons that most people develop ulcers and gastritis. This bacterium infects adheres to the stomach, causing an excess of acid, which in turn causes gastritis and ulcers and this causes your stomach hurts after eating.

Both gastritis and ulcers can lead to major health problems without treatment and with the passage of time the gastric cancer may appear.

For all the above is very important to look after our health and assist with a medical gastroenterologist.

Irritable Bowel syndrome is another condition placed very common, the United States alone, 14% of the population has suffered from this disorder, in other countries like Mexico to 35% of the population have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome has many symptoms for it is sometimes difficult to diagnose, the most common are that your stomach hurts after eating, often intermittent abdominal pain, anytime, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal swelling, intestinal dysmotility, in some patients also have fever, nausea and even vomiting.

This syndrome has more symptoms such as esophageal reflux (heartburn), fibromyalgia (muscle pain and fatigue), chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, headache, backache.

So far has not discovered the exact cause leading to the emergence of this syndrome, but there are factors that most likely originate from this disease are:

After having an intestinal infection many patients develop irritable bowel syndrome, although the causes are unknown.

It is believed that stress is a major cause, since in periods of great stress, the intestines contract causing constipation, heaviness, indigestion, etc..

Anyone can develop irritable bowel syndrome, however in most cases originate in adolescence, and for some unknown reason affects more women than men.

Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Appropriate treatment should be determined by a gastroenterologist, but we recommend the following:

Reduce levels of stres, this is important.Exercise.
Eating foods high in fiber and vegetables.
Reduce irritating foods such as sugar, coffee, alcohol.
Smoking Cessation.
Reduce intake of processed foods or canned.
Avoid overeating.

If you suffer from gastritis, ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome you should go to the doctor because these diseases can worsen over time.

Allergies and food intolerances can also cause your stomach hurts after eating, which can be mild to very severe. Almost any food can cause allergies or intolerances, also with the passage of time we can become intolerant to a food we used to eat.

abdominal pain
abdominal swelling
In more extreme cases, anaphylactic shock

All these symptoms occur shortly after eating, from minutes to hours.

Which foods cause allergies or intolerances?

Any food, but the most common are milk, soy, wheat, gluten, egg, fructose, etc..

Food allergies ande Food intolerances are not the same, in this site you will find more information about it.

Intestinal Candidiasis
Crohn’s Disease
Chronic Mesenteric Insufficiency
and so on.

Abdominal pain after eating is just a symptom that can be caused by many conditions and diseases, you should consider whether there are more symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, you should also identify whether the pain is mild, severe or disabling.

If pain is severe or disabling you must go with your doctor to determine the cause and prevent a complication that can threaten your health and your life. Acute pain is most likely caused by something serious like appendicitis, pancreatitis, food poisoning, a chronic ulcer, and so on.

If the stomach pain is mild is probably caused by most common gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other, you can try antacids and changing your eating habits with more healthy habits, reducing your stress levels , exercising, reducing salt intake, fats and processed foods, eating more vegetables, fiber and water.

You have to follow a few tips:

Identify foods that irritate your stomach.
Avoid processed foods like canned foods, refined sugars.
Avoid foods high in salt or fat.
You should eat slowly to avoid air intake at lunch
Chewing food several times about 30, to digest your food easier for the stomach.
Drink more water, lack of water causes constipation.
Eating foods high in fiber.
Eat more vegetables and fruits because they are easy to digest, have more fiber, more vitamins and minerals and are natural.
Do not overeat because you force your stomach.
Avoid coffee and alcohol because they irritate your stomach.
Avoid eating with stress, tension impedes your stomach do good digestion.
Rest after eating, at least 30 minutes.

According to information from Wikipedia irritable bowel syndrome is experienced by about 15% of the U.S. population, if we add gastritis, ulcers, colitis, GERD and other gastrointestinal disorders the percentage would be much bigger.

All of these diseases and conditions may cause your stomach hurts after eating, swelling, heartburn, discomfort abodminal and more symptoms.

If we analyzed while our lifestyle, we have been feeding, eat processed foods, rich in salt, fat and chemicals, the little exercise we do, the little vegetables and fiber we eat, it’s no wonder we are sick.

Processed foods such as bread, biscuits, canned, meat preservatives, canned fruits, soft drinks, chips … and all fast food, rich in sodium, salt, fat, refined sugar and also chemicals causes serious damage to the stomach, our digestion, not immediately but over the years.

Digest all this, no easy task for the stomach, we are saturated, and so continuously until failure, with symptoms that are reflective of a disease. Then we thought that just as there also exists the fast food, fast medicine too, and believe that with some pills and antacids will cure us, but we keep the same bad eating habits.

Refined sugar for example, creates serious problems in our body, helps to gain weight, develop diabetes, blindness, fatigue, and is a chemical made of atoms of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen and that’s all, no vitamins no minerals. It’s no food, and sugar does not give us energy, sugar makes us feel tired , fatigued and hungry.

Most processed foods contain large amounts of sugar, such as flour for biscuits, bread, sweets, chocolates, soft drinks, catsup, but also adds to meats such as hotdogs, hamburgers, coffee cream substitutes, the sugar is in practically every processed food we consume, why? because it improves the flavor, and sugar is cheap and heavy, that helps a lot to reduce costs for the food industry.

Refined sugar causes acidity, and acidity causes us gastrointestinal problems like constipation and our stomach hurts after eating. Excess sugar in our body breaks the balance in our intestinal bacterial flora causing infections like candida albicans: yeast infections. The sugar force our pancreas  and pancreatitis that occurs over time.

Refined sugar is a highly damaging that can harm various organs in your body over time, such as the pancreas, and pancreatitis can cause your stomach hurts after eating.

Your Stomach Hurts And Black Stools,Brown Stools, Red Stools?

Your Stomach Hurts And Black Stools,Brown Stools, Red Stools? AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota

If you have black stools are or have fresh blood should pay attention, because it is not normal and you should treat quickly going to the doctor.

If your stools are black, tarry, foul-smelling, blood means that it comes from upper gastrointestinal tract includes the esophagus, stomach or the first part of the small intestine, ie there is bleeding, the blood is digested by gastric juices and therefore gets the color black as tar in your stool.

Stomach ulcers as well as gastritis and esophageal varices are common causes of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding.

If you have a severe stomach hurt and your stools are black you should not expect more and you go with your doctor.

If you have brown stools then you can have any of the following diseases or problems:

Bleeding colonic diverticula
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
intestinal infection
Gastrointestinal Vascular Malformations
Colon polyps bleeding
cancerous tumors
gastroduodenal ulcer
esophageal varices

And if you have red stools can be caused by:

food allergy
Bleeding colonic diverticula
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
anal fissures
intestinal infection
Lactose Intolerance
Gastrointestinal Vascular Malformations
Colon polyps bleeding
cancerous tumors
gastroduodenal ulcer
esophageal varices

It is very important to visit your doctor gastroenterologist to determine whether there is blood in your stool, and thus determine the appropriate treatment, blood in stool is very important that we should not overlook


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Stomach Hurts after eating?

AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota Heartburn, also known as pyrosis or acid indigestion and cause your stomach hurts after eating. It is called to a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus (the lower chest), just below the sternum, which is caused by acid regurgitation gastric. The pain originates in the chest and may radiate to the neck, the throat or the angle of the jaw. Heartburn has been identified as a cause of chronic cough, and may even be confused with asthma. What causes heartburn? Acidity usually arises after eating or lying down. Once ingested food passes through the trachea, esofaco reaches, then passes through the diaphragm and finally reaches the stomach where it is digested, sometimes the diaphragm is a small part that separates the stomach from the esophagus and allows the passage of the food to the stomach does not close at all, to remain partially open allowing stomach acid pass into the esophagus, causing burning sensation. It happens after a big meal, lying down after eating, or bending. Heartburn is also caused by certain diseases such as: gastritis ulcers pancreatitis Hiatus Hernia Infection by Helicobacter Pylori Stomach Cancer Diaphragm weakness esophagitis The acidity should be treated differently complications can occur as Barrett’s esophagus, which in turn causes cancer of the esophagus. Likewise if there is a history of heart problems and acidity is coupled with dizziness, arm pain, shortness of breath, and do not have consumed could be a heart attack, seek immediate medical attention. People who have heartburn after eating certain foods should be avoided as excessive sugars, excess salt, fatty foods, alcohol, coffee, some tees, whole milk, citrus, tomatoes, peppers. click here to find out more